Forums where teachers and tutors can discuss English language teaching techniques for ESL, EFL students. If you're a TESOL, TEFOL teacher, and you have time between planning lessons to do so, you'll find these forums very useful!
The main reason for joining a discussion forum is to be able to discuss with like-minded people the insanity of teaching students English as a second language, the repetition, the long hours, the insensitivity and unreal expectations of parents, the craziness of the education system you need to work with, the poor facilities available in your school, your crazy teaching colleagues, the restrictions of the culture you're working in, the loneliness if you're the only English speaker, oh and to get some help with lesson planning!
If you need a digital shoulder to digitally cry on, the forums are a great place to vent your frustration, find a sympathetic digital ear (or an empathetic one) and to relax. Without the forums it's quite possible there would be no teachers teaching overseas as no one would be able to cope without these essential support networks.
There are many ESL teaching forums online. These are some of the more popular ones. The list was longer but forums take a lot to maintain (at least an hour a day pruning spam and checking for trolls) so there needs to be a financial incentive for forums to continue. Support these forums financially by visiting their sponsors.
Teachers Board
The premier message board on the web to
help you find your dream ESL job! Lots of links to classified listings
and discussion topics. This is a community and resource for ESL / EFL teachers.
Exchange ideas, get help and encouragement, learn from each other.
ESL Cafe's Teacher's Forum
Covers a lot! Years worth of posts to
sort through! Connects to lots of resources at Dav'es ESL Cafe.
ESL discussions include grammar, teaching,
managing students and more.
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